Melissa Austria

Navigating the Digital Unknown: An Overview of Planning, Execution & Growth on Social Media

Our team has committed to and followed through with posting on social media multiple times a week for over a year now. It’s no secret that posting frequently on top of a regular workload is no easy feat, so we’re taking the opportunity to share with you how it all came together, our growth, and what our plans are for the future. 
Social media analytics printed out

Using social media as a promotional tool was an additional piece of the “Fusion’s new website” puzzle. As we turned the focus of the website towards showcasing our work and strong case studies, we worried that our team culture and personality would be lost. We concluded that using social media as a more casual way to interact with our current and potential audience would be the best way to show how great we are to work with, our expertise, and how much great work we can do. 

We knew that in order for our efforts on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Fusion’s Take, to succeed, some sort of system to keep us on track and accountable was necessary. It was decided that all of our posts would fall in one of three categories: Our Work, Knowledge Sharing, or Fusion’s Personality. Our Work would cover highlights of projects, behind the scenes—like sketches or concepts, or our completed work out in the world and in use. Knowledge Sharing would cover inspirational quotes, thought leadership, advice, and business events and conferences we participated in. Fusion’s Personality would cover basically everything else Fusion, like in-person hang outs, birthdays, and team favourites. Whether it was just a feed post or a 500 word blog post, these pillars were meant to be our guiding light on what this new extension of our brand would focus on. 

Instagram feed posts that are examples of each of our three content pillars.

Despite having no specific goals for growth, our social media audience expanded very quickly. Across all three platforms, we saw that our audience engaged most with our personality focused content, celebrating team wins and ideas along with us. We saw the biggest growth in LinkedIn followers, with a 63% increase over the past year. We also saw a massive increase in page/profile visits across all platforms with a well-over 200% increase. People were excited to find Fusion and excited to learn more about us. 

As 2024 kicks into high gear for the Fusion team on social media, we are hoping to continue to increase engagement in exciting and new ways. We’ve ventured into video and motion visuals in hopes of catching more eyes and stopping our audience mid-scroll. We are also focusing our energy towards knowledge sharing and thought leadership in an effort to offer our audience better insight and meaningful advice. And we’ll be sticking to what works and aiming to share our team and more about about each unique member. 

Over the past year, we’ve realized how important it is to connect with our audience on social media and it’s become a key part in Fusion’s communications strategy. Social media allows for a more personable and friendly peek into our team’s experience, process and of course, personality. But it’s not just about being friendly. It’s proven to also be a valuable tool in reaching a broader audience, attracting potential clients, and expanding our network of talented creatives. Our website and our social presence work in tandem to paint a better picture of Fusion as a team and Fusion as your trusted design partner. 

We are hoping to continue to increase engagement in exciting and new ways.”

iPhone screen with multiple social media apps